Special note
As a member of the bleeding disorders community you should be aware that pharmaceutical corporations and home care providers are profit-based organizations. They will compete for your business. Always consult with your hemophilia treatment center (HTC) or hematologist regarding pharmaceutical product selection. There are no “generic brands” of factor replacement products. Likewise consult with your HTC or hematologist when selecting a home care provider, especially if you need in-home nursing or infusion support.
The Bleeding Disorders Foundation of North Carolina (BDFNC) does not endorse any treatment products, manufacturers, home care services or individual medical providers. The companies and products included in this document are listed as a public service only. Listing is based on generally available information at the time of publication. Any inclusion or omission should not be interpreted as an endorsement or absence thereof.
BDFNC does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals. Dose schedules and other treatment regimens are continually revised and new side-effects recognized. Information listed here is provided for general reference only, and does not replace the advice of a medical advisor and/or product insert information. Any treatment must be designed according to the needs of the individual and the resources available.