The Raleigh Festival & Walk is on Nov 2, register and donate today!

NC/SC Teen Retreat – Rock Hill, SC

NC/SC Teen Retreat – Rock Hill, SC August 10-13, 2023

Camp Canaan

3111 Sand Island Road
Rock Hill, SC 29732

Registration Deadline: 07/10/2023 11:59 PM

An Exciting, Fun-Filled Weekend Open to ALL Teens in the Bleeding Disorders Community

We hope that you will just us for the Teen Retreat!

Spend a weekend with friends, old & new! We’re planning a terrific weekend full of fun activities and sessions that will challenge you, inform you, and inspire you. Share your interests, passions, and ideas about how you can make a difference for yourself in our community.

GutMonkey will be back this year with their amazing Leading Edge Program. They will help teens explore the small ways in which we live our lives and what it says about who we are and our future goals.

The Bleeding Disorders Foundation of North Carolina (BDFNC) and the Bleeding Disorders Association of South Carolina (BDASC) are offering this program to teen members, along with a friend, free of charge. This includes lodging, transportation, all meals, and activities.

Who can attend?
All teens, 13-18, in the bleeding disorders community. This includes teens diagnosed with a bleeding disorder, siblings of someone diagnosed with a bleeding disorder, and children of an adult diagnosed with a bleeding disorder. Plus, all teen participants may bring a friend with them, as long as the friend is also a teen.

BDFNC is providing bus transportation from the ECU Campus in Greenville and the BDFNC office in Morrisville. If you are coming from a different part of North Carolina and need transportation assistance, please contact us.

BDFNC Teen Retreat Transportation Itinerary

Registration is required for ALL participants.

Forms are to be completed by all participants. 

Registration Paperwork – to be completed once online registration is complete.

Camp Canaan Waiver – must be completed by all participants.

GutMonkey Waiver – must be completed by all participants.

Pfizer Photo Release

Schedule of Activities (subject to change)

Thursday, August 10 Friday, August 11 Saturday, August 12 Sunday, August 13
Arrive in the evening, 5-6 PM


Icebreakers & Games

Campfire & S’mores






GutMonkey Leading Edge Program


Pool and Free Time

Lakeside Dinner

Ice Cream Social




High Ropes Course




Fishing or Swimming and Free Time




Wrap-Up the Weekend

Boxed Lunches

Depart at noon














Who is GutMonkey?

GutMonkey is an adventure education company whose mission is to provide foundational, life-changing experiences for communities with chronic health conditions that improve health outcomes, build communities, dismantle stigma, and increase awareness. Through our partnerships, GutMonkey has helped more than 25,000 patients with chronic health conditions build community and improve health outcomes by creating innovative and transformative experiences. For more than 20 years, GutMonkey has served patients aged 7 to 70 in all 50 states and across the diagnostic spectrum of bleeding disorders and other chronic medical conditions.

What is Leading Edge?

Leading Edge is an experiential education program that tackles some of the most current and pressing challenges in the bleeding disorders community through deeply engaging education programming. Through games, activities, discussions, and meaningful experiences, participants are able to learn about current topics related to their bleeding disorder, consider their personal health goals and outcomes, and connect with other people in their community in a lasting and meaningful environment.

For this year’s Leading Edge Program, participants will explore “systems,” or the small ways in which we live our lives, and what it says about who we are and our future goals. This year’s program will look at connecting and creating community with others, identifying the current habits and systems we use and how that informs who we are to become the people we want to be, and reflecting on ways to maintain those systems as we go out into the real world.


Registration is closed. Please contact the BDFNC office to see if space is available.

Thank you to our Sponsors

Pine Tree Sponsors

          Sanofi          Takeda

Oak Tree Sponsors

Genentech        Novo Nordisk